I write.

Murmel Clausen was born on October 8, 1973, in Munich's Schwabing Hospital. After graduating high school, he teamed up with Max Witzigmann to write and host the radio show "Klub Ma:d" for Radio Energy Munich. There, he met Michael "Bully" Herbig, Rick Kavanian, and Christian Tramitz, with whom he would later write "Die Bullyparade" and "Der Schuh des Manitu" (Manitou's Shoe). After four years in Berlin, where he served as head writer for the "ProSieben Morning Show" and Erkan & Stefan's "headnut tv," he collaborated with Max Witzigmann and Christian Tramitz on three seasons of "Tramitz & Friends." From the fifth season onward, he wrote for Anke Engelke's show "Ladykracher." In 2009, he penned the screenplay for the ten-part ORF real-time sitcom "Die Gipfelzipfler." A year later, the cinema comedy "3faltig," which he developed with Christian Tramitz and Hermann Bräuer, was brought to the screen.
In May 2012, his debut novel "Frettsack" was published by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, which Matthias Schweighöfer adapted into the film "Vaterfreuden" in 2014. From 2013 to 2018, Murmel Clausen co-wrote eight Weimar "Tatort" episodes with Andreas Pflüger, continuing the series solo from 2019. Working with Mike Viebrock, he created two seasons of the Amazon Originals series "Der Beischläfer," and in 2021, he collaborated with Doron Wisotzky on "One Night Off." In 2022, he signed an exclusive contract with Constantin Film, and his first project was working with Til Schweiger on "Manta Manta Part Two." Currently, he's working on his novel "Leming," scheduled for release in spring 2024, as well as two film projects.

Foto: Heribert Riesenhuber

“There’s a funnier way to say that."