Der Beischläfer
(The Bedfellow)

Amazon Prime Video 2020-21

Easygoing car mechanic Charlie Menzinger (Markus Stoll) is appointed by the Munich District Court as a lay judge for the next five years. There's no escaping this duty in the name of the people - Judge Dr. Julia Kellermann (Lisa Bitter), recently transferred from Berlin to Munich, absolutely won't hear of it, so Charlie reluctantly accepts his fate. From now on, instead of lying under his friend Xaver's (Daniel Christensen) old Italian sports cars, Charlie will be deciding the fates of others as a volunteer judge in his own peculiar way. He soon discovers, however, that his new position can bring certain advantages. Yet his time as a lay judge will change him more than he suspects...

Screenplay: Murmel Clausen, Mike Viebrock
Director: Anna-Katharina Maier, Sebastian Sorger
Cinematography: Thomas Wittmann, Markus Selikovsky
Producer: Thomas Friedl

"Every crooked dog ends up in front of the judge eventually."