Der Feine Geist

mdr 2021

In broad daylight, a money courier is coldly murdered in front of a jewelry store in downtown Weimar. Kira Dorn and Lessing happen to witness it and pursue the perpetrator. During a shootout in the Park Cave, Lessing is wounded, and the perpetrator escapes.

The dead courier turns out to be Ludgar Döllstädt, manager of the security company "Geist Security." While Kurt Stich is convinced the act was a robbery-murder, Kira suspects there's more to it: A few days earlier, during a traffic stop, Lessing had pulled over the murder victim with Maike Viebrock, a department head at the State Administrative Office. In the trunk was a rare parrot. Did the owner of the security company, John Geist, want to eliminate his manager to protect his firm from an animal bribery scandal?

Kira Dorn and Lessing give their all to find the culprit in this complex case where nothing is as it seems...

Screenplay: Murmel Clausen
Director: Mira Thiel
Cinematography: Moritz Anton
Producer: Nanni Erben

"What do you regret more? The poor execution or the shitty idea?"