Der Wüste Gobi

mdr 2017

A turbulent 24 hours begin for Weimar detectives Kira Dorn and Lessing when triple murderer Gotthilf Bigamiluschvatokovtschvili, known as Gobi, escapes from the forensic psychiatric facility five years after his conviction.

He leaves behind a strangled nurse and her young colleague, who is in shock. That same night, the wife of Professor Eisler, chief physician of psychiatry, is found dead in her own bed. Gobi appears to be on a revenge spree. While hunting for the savage Gobi, the detectives discover not only his preferences for women and hand-knitted underwear. The investigation also leads Kira Dorn and Lessing to his jealous fiancée Mimi Kalkbrenner, a professional harpist, who may have helped Gobi escape.

As evidence gradually emerges that calls Gobi's culpability into question, suspicion falls on Professor Eisler, who maintained a rather questionable relationship with his ill wife in recent years. Could the latest murders be the work of a "copycat strangler"? A missing previous investigation file and the secretive former precinct chief Bruno Götze, who arrested Gobi five years ago, complicate the resolution of the murders.

The hunt for the killer leads Dorn and Lessing into Weimar's sewer system, which is as dark as the web of entanglements in which the detectives find themselves.

Screenplay: Murmel Clausen & Andreas Pflüger
Director: Ed Herzog
Cinematography: Kristian Leschner
Producer: Nanni Erben

"Their marriage was like a life sentence in Pyongyang."