Träume sind wie wilde Tiger
(Dreams Are Like Wild Tigers)

Wild Bunch 2020

For twelve-year-old Ranji from Mumbai, Bollywood is everything: The colorful films of the Indian film industry with their infectious songs and dance choreographies make him happy - like millions of his fellow countrymen. Nothing would he wish for more than to stand in front of the camera with his declared hero, Indian superstar Amir Roshan. But his great longing moves into unreachable distance when his parents reveal their dream to the boy: emigrating to far-away Germany. Only the hope of participating in a casting for Amir Roshan's new film keeps him going - even though it's taking place in his old home of India. You have to fight for your dreams - they don't come true on their own. This is something that neighbor girl Toni also knows, who proves to be an unexpected ally for Ranji. With courage and united forces, the two set out to make their dreams come true - and in the process also find the happiness of true friendship.

Screenplay: Ellen Schmidt, Sathyan Ramesh, Murmel Clausen, Lars Montag
Director: Lars Montag
Cinematography: Sonja Rom
Producers: Clemens Schaeffer, Alexander Thies

"Dreams aren't like mathematics."